Home Latest Travel News and Views from Asia We Launch Appeal to Build A New School in Burma at St John’s Hill Fab Feast!

We Launch Appeal to Build A New School in Burma at St John’s Hill Fab Feast!

by Sam Clark

We’re really delighted to announce that we launching an appeal to raise funds to build a new primary school for 60 kids at Moe Nyo in Burma. The appeal, aiming to raise £3500 in 6 months, will be launched at the St John’s Hill Fabulous Feast on Saturday 17th May. 

Matt at Fab Feast 2013!

Matt at Fab Feast 2013!


The alley of number 209 St Johns Hill will be turned into a Thai Street food market between 11am and 2pm. Entrance to the alley costs £5 with all proceeds going directly to the school appeal. We’ll also offer all of our guests, past and present the chance to contribute should they so wish.

Heal Kids is a fantastic charity set up by Duncan Mundell, owner of the Clapham Junction institution, Party Superstore. All administrative costs for the charity are borne by Duncan himself, along with his business, so all donations go directly to the project. This is a local partnership working for the benefit of Burmese children.

We also have a fantastic initiative set up by which our clients can use up spare luggage space on the way out by taking out books and other items useful to the charity. Our guides will collect it from you on arrival and transport it to the ‘Heal Kids’ base in Yangon. For a free consultation with one of our Burmese specialists, fill in your details here.   

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