We invited Duncan, founder of our destination charity: Heal Kids, to talk about how travel inspired him to set up the foundation. On his visit to Bagan, he met a group of streetchildren all wishing they could go to school. Struck by their drive to learn, he went back out just a month or so after returning from his holiday to make a difference and start empowering locals to improve their own lives.
If Duncan’s story has struck a chord with you, do read more about his current projects in the country at www.healkids.org.
You can also join in our efforts to raise funds for more opportunities for Burmese children here.
- At the moment a key activity is building accommodation for children who live too far away from secondary school to travel from home everyday so that they can still study at a higher level. The buildings have to be specially constructed to withstand the monsoon and separate quarters need to be designed for girls and boys.
- There is also another project to provide vocational training like motorcycle repair and sewing to school leavers to help their employment prospects.
- Finally money is being raised for particularly disadvantaged families to afford books, stationery, uniforms and bags for children at primary school.