How much does tipping add to my holiday cost?
The average cost across our destinations is a little less than £30 per day per booking. Within that there are large variations: the tipping contribution in Bhutan is £50 per day split between your guide and driver; in India, the individual amount is much lower than this but there is a plethora of people who expect a tip along the way. Remember, this is money that will be expected from you in cash as you travel around if you’re on a holiday with a company where tips are not included.
Can I choose to tip directly in the ‘normal’ way instead?
We cannot give you the option to take out the Tip-Inclusive element. We will always include the additional amount as it has become a critical way for us to deliver our value. It is important to note that this guide payment is no longer a ‘tip’ as such. The additional amount has become part of their expected income (albeit one that can be removed in the - extremely rare - event of a complaint).
What happens if the guide asks for a tip at the end of a trip anyway?
We sincerely hope this won’t happen. If it does, then please explain that you paid for a ‘tip-inclusive’ holiday and ask your guide to contact Experience Travel Group. Then, on your return, tell us and we will refund that day’s tip as a goodwill gesture.
I don’t tip and don’t feel the need to tip when I go on holiday...
In countries where there is a tipping culture, the tip has become accepted and expected as part of the wage packet. We admit to struggling with this, so we do understand how you feel. However, we also think it is unfair on the guides if you don’t tip as well as effectively relying on fellow travellers to make up the deficit. We know that most people won’t even realise they’re in danger of denying their guide a decent wage if they don’t tip or don’t tip properly but we have heard some savage complaints from guides about bad tippers over the years. That just will not happen on an ETG ‘tip-inclusive’ holiday.
Can I tip in addition if I want to?
It’s your prerogative of course. However, we wouldn’t encourage it unless your guide really goes the extra mile for a particular reason.
How do we show guides appreciation for their amazing service if not through tipping?
By just saying thank you! The great thing about ‘tip-inclusive’ holidays is that a thank you becomes so much more meaningful. Previously, a tip would have been ‘expected’ so it wasn’t an effective demonstration of gratitude (unless you went very big indeed). A personal gesture such as sending a postcard or giving a small gift to take back to the family will be much appreciated.
When we send you a feedback form after your holiday there is space to nominate a guide for our outstanding service award. This is keenly competitive in certain countries, so your vote makes a difference and it’s a great way to say thank you!
How do I know that everyone involved will be tipped as well as I would have done myself?
It is worth remembering that part of the issue was that some people tipped very high, while other travellers tipped much lower. The amount we have now agreed is lower than the high end of the ‘suggested’ level (the tipping level advised by our local partners who contract the guides). Our guides agreed it would still balance out in their favour. We think this a fairer system for everyone.
We believe that we have negotiated what we think is a fair way of paying every single person involved in the delivery of our holidays (outside of the hotels). We’ve used the lower amount of the suggested tip for each country as a reference, bearing in mind the wide variation in cultural practices and economic levels throughout Asia.
I have a holiday booked with you for February 2022. Are my tips included in that trip?
No, tips will be automatically included in holidays booked after 1st May 2021. However, if you have an existing booking and would like it to be made tip-inclusive, please do ask your consultant and they can re-price the trip to include the tipping element.

If you'd like to discover more about tipping inclusive holidays and see some of the questions answered above in video format, then please click the button below. Here you'll find eight short videos where Sam and James discuss the in's and out's of Tipping Inclusive Holidays.

ETG has been working on the idea of tipping inclusive holidays since 2018 now. It's been a long road, and without some big hurdles to say the least, but we wanted to tell the whole story, so we've produced this long read blog to help take a deeper dive into this complex subject. We hope you enjoy!